a little bit abt Venus

Venus is most commonly known as the Roman counterpart to the Greek Aphrodite. However, in my opinion, the two goddesses are entirely separate, different goddesses, despite sharing some ideas and similarities. I take Latin in school and heard about Her in our mythology lessons, and searched her up eventually. Aphrodite seems to be a fairly popular goddess in the pagan community, and I’m so glad so many people get to work with such a wonderful goddess. However, I do believe that Venus is a bit under-recognized. I tend to be more comfortable with the Roman pantheon because of my heritage and prior knowledge about Ancient Rome, so I was called to Venus more so than Aphrodite. I began working with Her on a Thursday, and the following day was therefore a Friday. I do believe that Fridays have a special significance in terms of love, being Venus’ day of the week and all. (For those who don’t know, the name Friday comes from the name of the Germanic goddess Frigga, who was associated with the Roman Venus, and so Friday is a popular day for pagans to petition and honor Aphrodite and Venus and to perform love spellwork.) I wouldn’t advise anyone to start working with a deity solely for what they have to offer you; in my opinion, it should be about building a relationship with them based on a genuine interest in them. I started working with Venus because I wanted to get to know Her better. However, Venus is kind of notorious for playing matchmaker, so don’t be surprised if She tries to do so in your own life.

I have strong opinions about Venus and Her relation to Aphrodite. Venus’ origin story is based on Aphrodite’s, and the two are commonly associated with each other. However, they are most definitely not the same goddess. Venus was much more involved in Roman politics, since after all, She is the mother of Aeneas. In terms of character, there are two main points I strongly disagree with:

  1. The idea that Venus is submissive and un-feminist. She is different than Aphrodite, and perhaps less intimidating than Aphrodite in personality, but definitely not submissive. She was very much in charge of Her own love life and decisions, which seems pretty feminist, in my opinion.
  2. The belief that Venus is sweet and loving while Aphrodite is vicious or overbearing. Aphrodite is an independent, feminist goddess, which should never be confused with mal-intent. Venus and Aphrodite are not as simple as these stereotypes or labels and cannot be confined to a brief description. They are complex spiritual beings.
In my experience, Venus has a warm, kind, and loving spirit. She deeply loves Her country, Her family, Her many lovers, and Her devotees. She wants only for herself and others to be content and happy in all areas of life, but most especially in terms of love and relationships. I cannot speak for Her or from the experiences of others, but personally, I’m very happy I’ve started forming a relationship with Her.


    Aphrodite-devotee approved


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